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BLOG > August 2022 > Power Companies in Texas Controlling Thermostats & BitCoin Miners

Power Companies in Texas Controlling Thermostats & BitCoin Miners

The Battle Over Texas’ Power Grid Continues To Be A Hot Topic! 

The battle over Texas’ power grid continues to be a hot topic as power companies are literally controlling thermostats and asking Bitcoin miners to change their ways with incentives. This battle will only get tougher as electric cars and more people flood the state. What are you doing to cover your needs when rolling blackouts or worse, the next natural disaster hits? IMG_3264-(Custom).jpg
On the home front, when you sign up for voluntary power saving options with your local power company—be sure to read the fine print, or you could find yourself at the companies’ mercy. That’s what’s happening as the temperatures have risen with summer in the Lonestar State and thermostats have been adjusting themselves—well sort of.

“Texas power companies heated up some customers' homes last week by remotely controlling their smart thermostats,” according to KHOU 11. “One resident said his family had awoken, sweating and shocked their home had gotten as hot as 78 degrees.

“It turns out they had enrolled their thermostats in an energy-conservation promotion called Smart Savers Texas, run by a company called EnergyHub, in partnership with power companies. The program gives EnergyHub permission to adjust participants' smart thermostats remotely during times of peak energy demand, in exchange for entry into a sweepstakes,” according to KHOU 11.

So yes, the company raised the family’s desired thermostat temperature remotely to save energy.

"During a demand-response event, Smart Savers Texas increases the temperature on participating thermostats by up to 4 degrees to reduce energy consumption and relieve stress on the grid," said Erika Diamond, EnergyHub VP of customer solutions. “The ability to reduce energy consumption is critical to managing the grid, in Texas and nationwide."

The good news….. you can opt out of the program as fast as they can raise the temperature in your home. So, check your system if you prefer to control your own household and enjoy your privacy as many folks have said they didn’t even know they were enrolled in the program.

On the other side of the spectrum, Texas is home to a large and still growing crypto industry. Bitcoin mining is expected to add 27 gigawatts to the Texas grid by 2026, according to Verge. Seven of the largest Bitcoin miners in the U.S. use as much electricity as all the homes in Houston.Bit-(Custom).jpg

Because they use a lot of power, Bitcoin miners are being asked to shut down at certain times to ease the burden on the electricity grid. Many have complied with this request, giving back about 1,000 MW of capacity, but that’s because The Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) offers demand-response incentives to these operations for using less electricity during peak usage times.

Both these power grid concerns should be disconcerting to you. They show a pattern of continued, increased need in our state as well as how power companies are finding ways to control your usage – what’s next?

It’s time to come up with a plan and setup your own power supply. That way your future will be bright whether we deal with another deep freeze, hurricane or rolling blackouts. Whether you get a portable unit you can use in the outdoors or get something more substantial to power your whole home or business,

Generator Mart and Generator Source have you covered. No only is it nice to have reliable, backup power, but imagine how much time, money and more you’ll lose if you don’t keep your freezer cold, water pump working and never miss a beat.       
Story Summary

Why is Texas' power grid struggling?
Texas operates its own independent power grid, separate from the rest of the country. This isolation means Texas cannot easily import power from other states during emergencies. The grid is facing rising demand due to population growth, extreme weather events, and expansion of power-hungry industries like data centers and cryptocurrency mining.

What actions are power companies taking?
Some companies are remotely controlling smart thermostats in homes that opted into energy-saving programs, raising temperatures to reduce demand. Power companies are asking Bitcoin miners to reduce operations during peak times, offering incentives to do so.

How much is power demand expected to grow?
Peak demand is projected to reach 118 gigawatts by 2030, over 33% higher than current levels. New solar capacity is being added rapidly, but may not keep pace with demand growth.

What are the risks of the current situation?

  • More frequent power outages and rolling blackouts, especially during extreme weather.
  • Skyrocketing electricity prices during periods of high demand.
  • Potential widespread, long-term blackouts if the grid becomes overwhelmed.
What solutions are being proposed?
  • Expanding connections to other power grids, though this faces opposition from some groups.
  • Increasing renewable energy capacity, particularly solar power.
  • Adding more energy storage like batteries to support the grid.
  • Improving weatherization of power infrastructure.
How can residents prepare?
  • Consider installing backup power sources like generators or solar battery systems.
  • Be aware of any energy-saving programs you may be enrolled in with your utility company.
  • Have emergency supplies ready in case of extended power outages.

Diesel Admin | 8/2/2022 3:25:01 PM | 0 comments
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