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We Buy & Sell Industrial Generators

Established 1981

Data Center Equipment Removal and Asset Recovery Service

Mazimize the Value of Your Data Center Assets and Equipment 

Disconnect Servers for RemovalJust because your data center is a bit old and retiring does not mean the equipment does not have value.  Make sure you are working with an experienced provider that can get you a good vlaue for the assets you still have.  Amost everyything has some value, even if eveything seems like ancient legacy hardward things like banks of servers to operate effectively in an enclosed environment still have value. The equipment can usually be broken into the following categories:
  • Emergency power and auxiliary systems
  • Servers and support systems

Emergency Power Auxiliary Systems

A backup or emergency power system is a compilation generator(s) and supporting equipment and systems. Go to Generator Decommissioning for generator purchase information. The equipment within the emergency power support system can be divided into two groups. Controls/Distribution and Generator Support equipment purchase examples are below:
  • Controls/Distribution 
    •  Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS)
    • Circuit breaker panels
    • System cables cable tracks and conduit
    • Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS)
    • Electronic control and distribution panels
  • Generator Support Equipment
    • Engine exhaust pipes and intake duct work
    • Engine starting battery charging system
    • Main and day diesel fuel supply tanks
    • Fuel transfer pumps and pipes
    • Cooling system pumps, holding tanks and heat exchangers
The above list contains basic equipment. Larger complex systems can employ redundant systems with advanced control capabilities.

Servers and Support Systems

Server Room Internal Cooling Units
Servers and associated communication equipment are the heart of the data center. When the data center is operating, a large amount of heat is produced. Auxiliary systems provide cooling to maintain proper server internal temperature. Commonly purchased equipment is listed below:
  • Servers and associated communications equipment
  • Server room flooring 
  • Internal cooling units and ductwork for server room
  • Chiller or refrigeration units and internal cooling unit supply piping.
Some items such as ductwork, piping, and cables are considered disposable or can only be recycled. Our goal is to be a One-Stop-Shop. We purchase complete data centers including the emergency generator. Contact Us for more information.



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